Seeing Christmas for the First Time . . .

Seeing Christmas for the First Time

As the season of Advent draws us closer to Christmas, many of us revisit familiar traditions: lighting candles, singing cherished hymns, and reading the beloved narratives of Jesus' birth. The Christmas story becomes a part of our rhythm, deeply rooted in our faith and culture. But I believe this is also a great time for us to pause, reflect, and consider: What if we saw the Christmas story for the very first time?

The arrival of Christ is not a moment of pomp and grandeur but one that is the appearance of grace—God’s love breaking into the world in the most unexpected way. Imagine hearing this for the first time: the Creator of the universe becoming human, entering history not in a palace but in a humble stable. This is a radical grace, offered freely to all.

When we view Christmas through fresh eyes, we recognize the surprising nature of God’s grace. It isn’t reserved for the powerful or the elite but is made available to all people. In the shepherds who first heard the angel’s announcement, we see ordinary people entrusted with an extraordinary message. This reminds us that God’s grace reaches into the most unexpected corners of our lives.

When we see the story for the first time, we notice how God turns worldly expectations upside down. Kings bow to a child, and the heavens rejoice over what seems so small and ordinary. This perspective invites us to reevaluate our own priorities. What worldly passions or distractions keep us from embracing the simplicity and wonder of Christ’s coming?

Friends, as we approach this Christmas, let’s ask God to help us see the story of Jesus’ birth with fresh eyes. May we rediscover the wonder of God’s grace, the call to live in God’s light, and the hope of Jesus coming. Like the shepherds and magi, may we come to the manger eager to worship and leave transformed, carrying Jesus’ message of grace into the world.

Merry Christmas!

Pastor Owen