Stay Healthy!

I enjoy this time of year, Advent and Christmas. There are so many activities going on and I want to experience them all because it feels good to gather with those whom we love. We are preparing for what is perhaps the greatest gift of love that the world has ever seen. The gift that come in the form of itty, bitty, little baby . . . Jesus. Showing love comes in many forms and one of the ways that I think we can show love for each other is to stay home. Yes, you read that right. Stay Home! . . . that is if you are sick. We can show love for each other by staying home when we are not feeling well when we are possibly contagiously sick. If Covid has taught us one thing, it has taught us that we all can get sick and one of the best ways we can help deter the spread of virus is to stay home and take care of ourselves. So take care of yourself! I encourage you to stay home from worship, from work or from school if think you could possibly be sick. I admit, this is going to be tough for me because I usually try to power through . . . but I am going to try. It will be one of the ways that I can so that I love you. Hears to staying healthy!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Owen