Feeling Like Paul . . .

Let’s not get tired of doing good, because in time we’ll have a harvest if we don’t give up. – Galatians 6:9, (ceb)

Feeling like Paul . . .

Sometimes I feel like the Apostle Paul when he was jailed in Rome.  Paul while he was in prison in Rome wrote letters to the various Churches throughout the empire.  It was through these letters that Paul corrected, guided, taught, and inspired the new Christians.  I am sure it wasn’t Paul’s plan to spend 2 years or so in prison.  I am sure there were times when he felt alone, abandoned and at times hopeless because he couldn’t be with his people.  I don’t know about you, but I share some of those feelings during the last few months and it doesn’t seem to be getting easier.  I miss seeing and worshiping in person with all of you. I miss being in community with you. Paul wrote letters to the Churches back then, today we use Facebook and Zoom to stay in community with each other.  But it’s not the same.

I know a lot of you anxious for us to return to worshiping together. It will happen. When I am not sure, but it will happen.  So, what is keeping us from worshiping together?  It comes down to safety.  I think what we are missing the most about worshiping together is the fellowship time that we spend together. To be able to fellowship safely in the manner that I feel all of us want, we need to wait until “Stage Three” as outlined by the Bishop and the Cabinet.  Stage Two starts on this Sunday and requirements for Worship, to the Health Church Team, really limits the feel and flexibility we would have if we worshiped together.  There would be no congregational singing, masks would be required, registration to attend church would be required and the biggest thing to me is that there is no fellowship time.   Now am sure some of you are saying to yourself, but other churches are worshiping together, why can’t we?  I would answer that question like my momma used to tell me (I think), if everyone jumped off a bridge, should you?  The answer is of course, no. We need to be safe and do what we feel is right to keep us safe.  That means for us now, watching the live stream daily Reflections and Sunday Worship on Facebook and being a part of zoom bible study.  

Hang in there, there is hope. We will be gathered again soon enough and what a joyous time that will be!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Owen