Communion ?

I sure do miss spending time with all of you in person and, I admit, this social distancing thing is starting to get old but I hope we can find comfort that we are only in this time for a season. 

We are coming up on the first Sunday in April and Holy Week.  It has been our tradition to share in communion on the first Sunday of each month as well as Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday.  I have had a few folks inquire as to if we will be having communion during our online worship services.  The short answer is No, we won’t. Now you might be asking why not, there are other denominations that will offer communion and there are even some United Methodist Churches who will, so why can’t we? That is a good question and it boils down to the theological understanding of the sacrament.  We as United Methodist believe that the elements, the bread and juice, become for us the body and blood of Christ.  We don’t believe they physically change in any way but through the holy mystery of communion Christ is present with us.  We believe that communion is a means of grace, a place where we can expect to meet God.  If you listen to the liturgy that is spoken during communion you will hear words something like, “may these gifts of grain and grape become the body and blood of Christ”.  It is at this point that we believe that Christ becomes present in the elements.  We also believe as United Methodist that communion should not be taken alone, that we should always be in Christian community and everyone is welcome to the table.  Sharing in community is one of the main reasons why we don’t do “drive-thru” communion.

There has been a lot of ink spilled over weather communion can be shared in an online community.  There are good arguments on both ends of the spectrum.  I even wrote a paper on the topic for one of my classes this past fall. (copies available upon request) It all boils down to our understanding of how the Holy Spirit is works during communion and it is more complex than I can cover in a blog. During this season that we find ourselves in, our Bishop and cabinet have instructed us not to share in communion online or any sort of “drive thru” means.  I will support their decision. I do want you to know that when we are able to gather again as the body of Christ in person, we will share Holy Communion together.   

In the meantime, we will be having a Love Feast on Maundy Thursday . . . details to follow.